SAVE THE DATE: est 10th - 14th April 2025 (3 weeks before the wedding...)
known for its artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades, the perfect destination for a sophisticated gentleman’s weekend.
Plus the red-light district & €4 pints.
This is an estimate based on a rough number. Once we know the exact numbers then we will get you an exact cost. We hope to get a better rate on it all.
This includes flights, transfers and hotels. Spending money not included
Arrive at airport
Find Hotel
Scout out the local area
Much Much Alcohol
Some tourist trap activity
Prep for night out
Much Much Alcohol again
Something during the day
Night out- star wars outfits!
Try and wake up before check out
Drag ourselves to the airport
Fly home
In case any partners are reading this, we will be going nowhere near the red light district.
The previous statement is bullshit
Let us know if your interested
If you would like to join Jack on the stag do, please fill in the quick form below so we know your interested and can contact you with further information.
We will set up a WhatsApp group to keep you updated with the booking along with more details closer the time.